Helping Your Teen Let Go of Perfectionism in School
Kristen Jones Kristen Jones

Helping Your Teen Let Go of Perfectionism in School

Perfectionism can overwhelm teens, especially when it comes to schoolwork. Constantly striving for flawless results can lead to stress, anxiety, and even avoidance of tasks. Therapy helps teens reframe their thinking, focusing on progress instead of perfection. Through tools like EMDR and practical strategies, teens can learn to manage school-related pressure and embrace their efforts, not just the outcome. If your teen is struggling with perfectionism, therapy offers a supportive space to help them thrive academically and emotionally.

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5 ways to help your anxious teen at home
Kristen Jones Kristen Jones

5 ways to help your anxious teen at home

Dealing with anxiety and low self-esteem as a teenager can feel overwhelming and isolating. Providing structured, actionable steps at home can help teens gain the skills they need to cope with anxiety and improve their self-esteem.

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Effective Coping Skills for Kids
Kristen Jones Kristen Jones

Effective Coping Skills for Kids

Are you looking for effective coping skills for kids to help manage their stress and emotions? We’re share practical and actionable strategies that parents can teach their children to promote emotional well-being and resilience. From simple breathing exercises and mindfulness techniques to creative outlets and problem-solving skills, we cover a range of tools to support your child’s emotional health. Learn how to create a safe environment, incorporate coping strategies into daily routines, and recognize when professional help might be needed. Equip your child with the skills they need to handle life’s challenges effectively and foster a more emotionally resilient future.

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