Creating a Calm-Down Corner for Kids: A Simple Guide

Every child has moments when they feel overwhelmed or upset. A calm-down corner is a special space where they can go to relax and manage their emotions. Creating one at home is easy and can make a big difference in helping your child feel safe and calm. Here’s how to set up a calm-down corner and make it a soothing spot for your child.

Why a Calm-Down Corner Is Helpful

  • Provides a Safe Space: A designated spot where kids can go to feel secure and calm.

  • Promotes Self-Regulation: Helps children learn to manage their emotions and behaviors.

  • Reduces Stress: Offers a place to unwind and relax when they’re feeling stressed or anxious.

  • Encourages Independence: Empowers kids to take control of their emotions and find ways to calm down on their own.

How to Create a Calm-Down Corner

  1. Choose the Right Spot:

    • Pick a quiet corner of a room where your child can have some privacy. It should be away from busy or noisy areas of the house.

  2. Make It Cozy:

    • Add soft items like pillows, a bean bag chair, or a cozy blanket. These can make the space feel comfortable and inviting.

  3. Include Calming Tools:

    • Fill the corner with items that help your child relax. Here are some ideas:

      • Books: Include a few of their favorite stories or picture books.

      • Stuffed Animals: Soft toys can provide comfort.

      • Coloring Supplies: Coloring books and crayons can be soothing.

      • Stress Balls or Fidget Toys: These can help release nervous energy.

      • Noise-Canceling Headphones: If your child is sensitive to noise, these can help create a quiet environment.

      • A Timer: A simple timer can help them understand how long they should stay in the calm-down corner.

  4. Add Visual Aids:

    • Put up posters or cards with calming strategies, like deep breathing exercises or positive affirmations. These can guide your child in how to calm down. Click here for a visual of square breathing.

  5. Use Soft Lighting:

    • Soft lighting, like a small lamp or fairy lights, can create a soothing atmosphere.

How to Use the Calm-Down Corner

  1. Explain the Purpose:

    • Talk to your child about the calm-down corner and how it can help them feel better when they’re upset. Make sure they know it’s a positive space, not a punishment.

  2. Encourage Regular Use:

    • Encourage your child to use the calm-down corner whenever they feel overwhelmed, angry, or sad. Remind them that it’s okay to take a break and use the space.

  3. Model the Behavior:

    • Show your child how to use the calm-down corner by modeling it yourself. If you’re feeling stressed, take a moment to use the corner and demonstrate calming techniques.

  4. Be Supportive:

    • Let your child know that it’s okay to take their time in the calm-down corner. Offer support and check in with them after they’ve had some time to relax.

Benefits of a Calm-Down Corner

  • Improves Emotional Regulation: Helps children learn to manage their emotions in a healthy way.

  • Builds Independence: Encourages kids to take charge of their emotional well-being.

  • Creates a Sense of Safety: Provides a reliable, safe space for children to retreat to when needed.

Creating a calm-down corner is a simple yet effective way to help your child manage their emotions and find peace during stressful moments. With a little effort and some thoughtful touches, you can create a space that makes a big difference in your child’s emotional health! Give it a try and watch your child find calm and comfort in their special corner!


Effective Coping Skills for Kids
