Navigating Back-to-School Anxiety

The start of a new school year can be both exciting and stressful for children and parents alike. While some kids look forward to reuniting with friends and teachers, others may experience significant anxiety. At Hanisch Counseling Services, we understand these challenges and offer guidance to help families navigate this transitional period smoothly.

Understanding Back-to-School Anxiety

Back-to-school anxiety can manifest in various ways, from trouble sleeping and irritability to physical symptoms like stomachaches. It's essential to recognize these signs early and address them with empathy and understanding.

Tips for Parents

1. Establish a Routine:
Consistency can help reduce anxiety. Create a daily schedule that includes time for homework, play, and relaxation. Stick to this routine to provide a sense of stability.

2. Open Communication:
Encourage your child to share their feelings about the new school year. Validate their concerns and offer reassurance. Sometimes, just knowing they are heard can significantly reduce anxiety.

3. Visit the School:
If possible, visit the school before the first day. Familiarize your child with their classroom, playground, and other facilities. This can make the environment feel less intimidating.

4. Practice Mindfulness:
Teach your child simple mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing or visualization. These techniques can help them stay calm and focused.

Tips for Kids

1. Prepare Ahead:
Pack your school bag and lay out your clothes the night before. Being prepared can help reduce morning stress.

2. Talk About Your Feelings:
It's okay to feel anxious. Talk to your parents, teachers, or a counselor about your worries. They can offer support and solutions.

3. Focus on the Positive:
Think about the things you enjoy about school, like seeing friends, learning new things, or participating in fun activities. Focusing on the positives can help balance out anxious feelings.

Back-to-school anxiety is a common experience for many children! By establishing routines, maintaining open communication, and practicing mindfulness, parents and kids can work together to ease the transition. At Hanisch Counseling Services, we're here to support your family through every step of this journey. If your child is struggling with anxiety, don't hesitate to reach out for professional help!


Progressive muscle relaxation


Effective Coping Skills for Kids