intensive therapy session for teens with anxiety and low self esteem

is your teen struggling with anxiety? Or perhaps they're finding it hard to cope with everyday stresses?

Learn how to combat self-doubt & eliminate anxiety-driven behaviors with our targeted extended therapy sessions.

think of it as the disney fast-pass of therapy!

therapist for teens in vermont specializing in anxiety and self esteem.
quick results in therapy treatment, therapy intensives virtually for anxiety using EMDR

imagine this…

Your child wakes up feeling lighter, no longer weighed down by anxiety. Instead of avoiding school or friends, they participate confidently, using the tools learned in their intensive. Teachers report they're more focused, while at home, the emotional outbursts have eased, replaced with calm conversations and open communication.

Friendships deepen as they begin to engage with peers without fear or hesitation. And you, as a parent, finally feel relief—no more constant worry, just hope for their future!

They long for peace and the chance to feel like every other child—happy, carefree, and thriving.

Within 1 afternoon, your teen will:

  • Learn valuable coping skills

  • Gain confidence in managing anxiety

  • Reprocess and reframe anxious self-beliefs

  • Receive personalized attention and support

  • Explore techniques tailored to their needs

  • Build a strong foundation for long-term well-being

Therapy Intensives are the perfect solution for teens with hectic schedules who might not be able to commit to weekly therapy sessions. Whether they're balancing after-school sports, extracurricular activities, or other obligations, intensive therapy offers a flexible option for addressing anxiety and developing coping skills. With condensed sessions that deliver tangible results in a shorter timeframe, teens can still receive the support they need without sacrificing their busy schedules. It's a convenient and effective way to prioritize mental health and well-being while juggling life's demands.

The structure is as followed…

In home therapy for children. child therapist for anxiety.
  • Before the session, we will conduct an initial assessment to understand the teen's needs, goals, and any existing therapy they may be receiving.

  • Develop a treatmant plan and exercises specifically tailored to the teen's goals. Utilize DBT & EMDR as core strategies to address emotional and behavioral issues.

  • Allocate time for the teen to reflect on their experiences and emotions during the session. Use open-ended questions to encourage deeper exploration.

  • End the session with a summary of key insights and strategies discussed. Schedule follow-up sessions as needed to monitor progress and adjust the treatment. Open communication via phone call / text for supplemental support following the intensive.

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get help fast, see progress sooner

why an intensive?

An intensive therapy session offers a focused, accelerated approach to fast-tracking your child’s emotional and behavioral progress. Instead of waiting months through traditional therapy, a child therapy intensive allows for quick results in managing anxiety, low self-esteem, or affilated emotions. With dedicated time to focus deeply on the root causes, your child will leave with practical coping skills they can use immediately. These intensive therapy services in Vermont provide a solid foundation for long-term emotional resilience and success, helping your child thrive sooner.

therapy intensives can help:

Fewer emotional outbursts and meltdowns

Increased confidence in social situations and at school

Stronger ability to manage and express emotions in a healthy way

Improved communication and connection with family members

Greater resilience when facing stress or challenges


6 hour program

  • 4 face-to-face hours

  • Resources, assessments, & personalized treatment workbook

Weekday cost: $1,152


8.5 hour program

  • 6.5 face-to-face hours

  • Resources, assessments, & personalized treatment workbook

Weekday cost: $1,632


10.5 hour program

  • 8.5 face-to-face hours

  • Resources, assessments, & personalized treatment workbook

Weekday cost: $2,060

reach out today!

If you'd like to schedule a consultation to discuss how a therapy intensive would be beneficial to your teen, I would be happy to hop on the phone with you to discuss it more in detail.

During this consultation, we will:

  • Discuss your teens's specific needs and concerns.

  • Explore how intensive therapy sessions can address those needs.

  • Answer any questions or concerns you may have.

  • Determine if our approach aligns with your teens's therapeutic goals